很高興能在 PyConTW 2013 介紹 Diazo 工具,可惜準備時間不夠,沒辦法把 Diazo 多樣應用的可能性呈現出來,只能先簡介它的機制和概念。我在投影片裡整理的範例,主要是參考 David Bain 的文件,這也是既有文件中最詳實的內容。
有聽眾問到 Diazo 是否有支援 HTML5,網路上確實有範例,這些進階技巧,期待有機會試出來跟大家分享。
Diazo is a smart approach to theming a website. Diazo does its magic by building on top of XSLT and provides a set of basic rules. Even better is that an easy-to-use in-browser rich editor is coming for designers. Most modern webservers supporting for XSLT transformations also ease the deployment. In this talk, we will learn and demo how Diazo is working.
In general, designers work with static HTML while programmers work on codes and frameworks. Often, they hardly collaborate without bumping into each other.
Diazo eases the process of theming a website, by isolating users from having to understand how developers build websites with frameworks. Diazo does its magic by building on top of XSLT. Raw XSLT is too complex for everyday use, so Diazo provides a simple and user-friendly set of basic rules that get compiled into XSLT behind the scenes. Even better is that an easy-to-use in-browser rich editor is coming for designers to create themes without needing filesystem access or knowledge of Python. Most modern webservers already support for XSLT transformations, so deploying Diazo via WSGI, Ngnix, Varnish or Apache is simple and straightforward.
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