
Geo-Statistics Tools

summary from http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/3069/among-matlab-and-python-which-one-is-good-for-statistical-analysis

很多人認為 R 是很棒的統計工具,像 gstat、geoR 讓它更切合特定領域的應用,也有人會考慮 Matlab,特別它有強大的 profile 工具。

當然,也有人快樂地拿 Python 當作統計平台,豐富的函式庫和整合其他系統的彈性肯定是一大賣點,例如在 R 跑得太慢的情況下,用 ctypes 來建置 C data structure,大幅改善效能問題,例如搭配 Natural Language Toolkit 處理文字資料。更多實務經驗,可參考 Data Crunching: Solve Everyday Problems Using Java, Python, and more 一書,作者 Greg Wilson 致力於讓科學家更有生產力

終究 Python 不是一個 Domain Specific Language,拿來和 R 相比,有其天生侷限,"Compared to R, Python is a low-level language for model building." - 有人如是說。

不過,也有人這樣評論:"In fact, I’ve anecdotally observed that becoming better at R leads to skill at interacting with data, becoming better at MATLAB leads to skill at quick-and-dirty scripting, but becoming better at Python leads to genuine programming skill."

如果有人想要用 Ruby 的話,可以貨比三家

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