
Plone 4 Upgrading

目前 Plone 4 處於 beta 2 階段,測試 Plone 3 昇級的結果,還算順利,值得一提的訊息有:
INFO PythonScripts Some of your Scripts have stale code cached.
Since Zope cannot use this code, starup will be slightly slower
until these Scripts are edited.
You can automatically recompile all Scripts that have this problem
by visiting /manage_addProduct/PythonScripts/recompile
of your server in a browser.
ERROR PortalTransforms Cannot register transform rtf_to_html,
using BrokenTransform: Error Unable to find binary "rtf-converter"
工作原理和以前一樣,把 Data.fs 放到新版環境裡的 var/filestorage 再啟動,同樣有 dry run mode 提示,但整體的介面訊息變得更清楚。
目前遇到的狀況是 webcouturier.dropdownmenu 在昇級後,造成 LocationError: (None, 'html_tag') 的錯誤訊息,來源之一是 webcouturier/dropdownmenu/browser/dropdown_recurse.pt Line 29, Column 12。事先把 dropdownmenu 模組停用,就可以避掉這問題。
另外,可能會遇到 Default Theme 跳到 Unstyled 的狀態,只要進 plone_control_panel 或 @@skins-controlpanel 指定為佈景主題為 Plone Classic Theme 或 Sunburst Theme 就搞定。

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