
Plone Quick Upload

想在 Plone 系統裡批次上傳檔案? 暫時可以加裝 Quick UploadUploadify 之類的模組,或是試用 PloneFinder 之類的模組,日後也可能直接在目錄介面就有批次上傳的功能。

以 Quick Upload 模組為例,啟用後,要在想提供批次上傳功能的目錄,新增 Quick Upload Portlet,如果網站根目錄有了 Quick Upload Portlet,就能讓所有目錄都預設繼承這項功能。



Name from Creation Date Behavior

For Archetypes types, we can edit short name for their Add/Edit forms. For Dexterity, we have to create custom behaviors for such tasks. By default, Dexterity provides Title-to-ID behavior. However, CreationDate-to-ID behavior is more valid for my case. With help of @vitaliypodoba, I add NameFromCreationDate behavior in my recent project. To make it working Through The Web, be sure to uncheck the Name from title behavior, then check the Name from Creation Date behavior. Here is a similar implementation that might be of help. Also it is inspiring to learn the title computation and display technique.